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Times Square, 2012
Welcome vice president Xi Jinping's visit to the United States


Sino-American Friendship Association (SAFA) welcomed Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping in a video that was played on a giant LED screen in Times Square on Feb. 14, 2012-- the day that Xi met with U.S President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden. It was the first time that a video about the Chinese presidential leader was being replayed every five minutes on a Times Square LED screen during Vice-President Xi's visit to the U.S.

The 30-second video, titled “Sino-American Friendship, a Witness to History,” was produced by the Sino-American Friendship Association. “It's a unique and special way to welcome Vice-President Xi and to congratulate him on the successful visit to the United States." Peter Zhang, president of SAFA said, "We believe his trip will help to bring the relationship between U.S and China closer and for better future collaborations."


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